A Wonderful, Brave Story Out of North Carolina


During the run up to the vote on Amendment One in North Carolina, most business leaders were silent, afraid to speak out against the amendment for fear of offending or alienating their customers.  Not Bob Page, owner of Replacements Limited.  His outspokenness came at a cost.

Via NYTimes.com ~

The company lobbied legislators, contributed money to causes supporting gay marriage, rented a billboard along the interstate near its headquarters, and sold T-shirts at its showroom. Its experience may explain why no other for-profit company followed its example.

Hostile letters and e-mails poured into the company from customers canceling their business and demanding to be removed from its e-mail list. “I understand that your company donated $250,000 or so to the effort to ban the marriage amendment,” read one. “I am very concerned that with an increased visibility and acceptance of the gay and lesbian lifestyle, one of my children, who would have grown up and been happily married to a husband, could be tempted to the lesbian lifestyle.”

Another read: “I was excited to see your wares and expected a pleasant shopping experience. Instead I was accosted by your political views, which I do not share. It was very uncomfortable and unpleasant browsing with all those signs and T-shirts against amendment one, to the point where I had to leave.”

A third said, “Money you used to support this opposition came from my many purchases from your company and that is not O.K. with me,” adding, “I will look for my replacement pieces elsewhere.”

If you happen to find yourself in need of replacement crystal or silver or china or whatever, send Bob some love by checking with Replacements Limited first.  And to counteract some of the hate mail he’s received, send him some love, support and thanks for doing what’s right.

This is the email address and phone number listed on the Replacements Limited site:

•  inquire@replacements.com

• 1-800-737-5223

Posted on May 26, 2012 by Ian In: Current Events/Pop Culture/Politics
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