Stacey Pritchard Defends Pastor “Put Gay People Behind an Electrified Fence & Let ‘Em Die” Worley

Remember Pastor Worley and his remarkable view that gay people should be put in a pen behind an electrified fence until we all die off?  Remember him?  Ok, if you have no idea what I’m talking about click here and you’ll be brought up to speed.

Recently, Anderson Cooper had Stacey Pritchard on his show.  Stacey is a member of Pastor Worley’s church and is a “defender of Pastor Worley.”

I used to firmly believe in evolution.  Increasingly, I’m not so sure.  Enjoy…

Posted on May 24, 2012 by Ian In: Current Events/Pop Culture/Politics
  • Paul Meenan

    I can’t believe these two. Seriously… I can’t believe these two are smart enough to dress themselves!

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