A Thought for the Boy Scouts

Dear Boy Scouts,

I have already sent you my thoughts on your upcoming decision as to whether or not you should allow openly gay scouts and leaders into the Boy Scouts.

You should take a moment to read this short, powerful note from my husband, Richard Darst, a former scout.

I am a gay man.  The Boy Scouts was a big part of my life as a young boy.  Through the scouts I learned so many practical life skills like cooking and first aid.  But more importantly, I learned what it means to be an honest, caring, and involved citizen. I had many dedicated troop leaders, but it would have been wonderful had there been one to whom I could truly relate.  The Boy Scouts of America’s current policy regarding gay leaders saddens me.  My life could have been very different if I had had even one gay role model to look up to.  I always felt so alone and isolated.  I believed that I was the only one.  

~Richard Darst

Make the right choice this week.


Ian Rosen


Posted on Apr 22, 2013 by Ian In: All, Current Events/Pop Culture/Politics, Write the Power
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